The Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries have published a Government notice no. 203 of 28.02.2024 on regulation of fishing in the Storå river system. The Storå river and all tributarys are subject to this notice, which is valid from 5th of March 2024.
Below you will find a list of rules applying for all the fishing waters of Holstebro og Omegns Fiskeriforening.
Fishing season
In the lake Vandkraftsøen (zone 6) fishing is allowed all year from the suspension bridge(footbridge) east of the lake till the protection zone 200 m from the power plant in the west. This also applies to the monastery inlet until the old watermill and the lake Uhresø as well.
In the river Storå the fishing is divided into primary salmon water and other areas.
The primary salmon water is the main run of the Storå from Holstebro Vandkraftværk (powerplant) till the outlet into Felsted Kog. In the primary salmon water the fishing is allowed from the 16th of april till the 15th of october (incl.). This is zones 1 through 5.
The other areas are the rest of the Storå River system, which means the Storå East and all the tributarys east and west. In the B area fishing is allowed from the 1st of march till the 31st of october (incl.) This is zones 7 through 10.
Legitimization of fishing rights
You must of course have purchased the public fishing licence, and remember to bring a valid membership card or daypermit and your identity card. In addition, you must buy a Storåkort if you fish primarily in salmon waters..
Tackle limitations
In the lake Vandkraftsøen up till two rods is allowed per person. Schrimps and fish's roe are not allowed as bait. Fishing from boat is prohibited but belly boat is allowed within a zone along the south side of the lake (Blue). Find the map here. Click on "Sejladsregler for Vandkraftsøen."
In the rest of the Storå river system the following rules apply
Closed season and size limits
In the form below You will find information on closed seasons and size limits for the Storå river system. You must gently release all fish not complying with the rules. Below you will find some usefull guidelines for releasing fish.
Species |
Period |
Min. size |
Species |
Period |
Min. size |
Salmon |
Totally protected 01.01.-31.12. (see exception below) |
Protected, otherwise 40 cm |
Pike |
15.03. – 30.04. |
60 cm |
Sea trout and Brown trout in Area A |
Totally protected by HOF until 31.12.2025 |
Protected |
Walleye |
01.05. – 31.05. |
50 cm |
Sea trout and Brown trout in Area B |
Totally protected by HOF until 31.12.2025 |
Protected |
Perch |
None |
20 cm |
Grayling |
Totally protected until 15.05.2026 |
Protected |
Eel |
None |
45 cm |
Whitefish |
01.11. – 28.024. |
36 cm |
Commercial guiding is not allowed on our beats.
Special rules on salmon fishing
The government notice opens for an exception for salmon fishing with a quota for taking salmon home.
The Danish Fisheries Agency have issued a quota for Sammenslutningen ved Storå. The quota for 2024 is 360 salmon. The quota is divided into 3 partial quotas.
• 5 salmon to be caught in Other Areas, but only between the 16th of April and the 31st of October.
• 355 salmon to be caught in Primary Area, which is the main run of Storå west of the power plant dam in Holstebro.
These 355 are divided into 2 groups:
A stop for killing salmon is to be announced, when respectively 5, 153 and 198 have been killed.
Please note that the quota for large salmon is divided into 2 portions, with one portion released on 16th of April and the other portion released on 16th of June.
Sammenslutningen ved Storå has issued a partial quota for Holstebro og Omegns Fiskeriforening. The quota for 2022 is 216 salmon to be caught west of the power plant dam in Holstebro. A stop for killing salmon will be announced when the quota of xxx is reached. The 5 salmon in Other Area is first come first served.
The Danish Fisheries Agency has set some mandatory rules as a condition for use of the quota.
The committee has supplementet the rules, which gives the following rules for 2024 and onwards:
Special rules on sea trout fishing
Special rules on Grayling
Other special rules
In the Storå River some beats are members only. Please check our maps and list of parking areas. And also check signs posted at the beats.
It is most important that season, tackle limitations, rules of protection of species, conditions for the quota and code of conduct along the river and in our parking areas are followed. If You fail to comply with the rules, you will be liable to sanctions. You may be fined and/or expelled from fishing in the river for the rest of the season and the next.
Please follow this advice on god conduct
Please park in the parking lots we have listed. In some parking lots we have put up a fence, so you can see how many cars it take. When full you must find another parking lot. Please show some consideration for the residents and other road users. And keep in mind, that the farmer needs a lot of space to move around his heavy mashinery. Do not cross fields with crops, but only walk along fences and the river. Respect signs on the beats, especially rules in respect of the owners hunting interests. You can find these rules in the List of parking areas.
Dont leave any garbage. If You could carry it on your way out, you also have room for it on your way home. If you find other peoples waste, please bring it home to the nearest container.
We have put up signs at the end of successive beats. A green or yellow pointer shows fishing rights in that direction. A red pointer means fishing not allowed in that direction. Newer signs have black arrows on a white background, where the arrow points in the direction where we have fishing rights. If you find signs that you believe show incorrectly, please contact the treasurer or another member of the board so that we can correct any errors.
We are in favor of as few rules on fishing as possible in order to facilitate all kinds of fishing methods. In return we expect You to show consideration to your fellow fisherman, and do yours to ensure a good day at the river for everybody.
Do not kill more fish, than you need. Catch and release is OK. Take the decision on release in good time before landing, and try to remember the following
10 tips for catch and release
If you follow these guidelines almost 100% of all released salmon and sea trout will survive.